Hair remedies: grow your hair/beard in weeks

This growth of the hair is not only meant for the females some males also want to grow thick and full beard , well I bring three home remedies for you to grow your hair/beard and the best part of it is that it is natural and so you don't have to worried of side effects. It has been tested and proven to improve and grow hair.
  • Honey and egg: this mixture helps the hair follicles to be free thereby allowing free growth, this mixture can be made by using natural honey and eggs, now the amount or measurement of these ingredients you be needed depends on the length and thickness of your hair or beard as each hair requires different measurement but I will give you my own measurement that I actually used and it worked for my hair. Four teaspoon of honey and three medium sized eggs. After getting your mixtures now you will crack the eggs into a bowl and separate the yolk from the white, add the honey to the yolk and mix together and kept in the fridge for an hour before there white is then added and mixed. 
We refrigerate the yolk and honey in order to make both ingredients minerals and vitamins to mix together for equal and best results. Honey is rich in glucose and fructose which are both needed for a healthy hair and it also possesses antiseptic and antibacterial properties which helps in healing and fighting bacteria. Eggs are rich in protein generally which is the number one growth factor of growth and the egg yolks are particularly great because of the choline present in them that promotes normal cell activity and transportation of nutrients round the body in this case the hair. Milk can also be added to fasten this process.
  • Ginger and olive oil: this mixture is mostly great for growing shinning and long hair, this mixture is made using ginger and oils such as olive oil, castor oil, aloe vera oil, coconut oil as all this oils are very efficient in fasten hair growth and you can use them all for your hair but this doesn't speed growth more faster. I chose to use olive oil but you can use whichever you want and is available to you together with ginger. 
First of all peel off the skin of the ginger and blend into a smooth paste, you can use four to five cloves as that's what I used, then add three or two teaspoon of olive oil and mix together, leave for an open place and leave for 24 hours, this allows the oil to sink into the ginger and this helps the hair grow faster and longer. Ginger is used because of its richness in calcium, iron, vitamin c, potassium, magnesium and protein. It adds more to the oil and enables faster hair growth. 
  • onions and aloevera: onions is more commonly used in India for hair products and that's because onions has a lot of benefits for the hair which includes repairing, healing and free growth. I prefer to use the red onions but any onion can be used as long as it is fresh, I used three bulbs for my magical mixture and I referred to use the aloevera plants because I boil it together with the onions and afterwards cool and extract the water and use to rinse my hair and I tell you that this works 100%. 
But it could also be used as a paste to form an hair cast, this can be done by peeling off outer layer of the bulb and cut into little pieces and then blend to form a paste afterwards add the aloevera leaf and blend together but if you have the aloe vera oil then you only need to add four to five teaspoon to your onions mixture and mix together, both mixtures are applied to the hair making sure that every part of the hair is covered and then make sure that this get deep into the scalp and then leave in for an hour then wash off and shampoo the hair, you can use this mixture thrice in a week to fasten the growth.
But the most important thing after doing all these make sure that you eat healthy and exercise regular and keep your whole body clean and healthy and in no time you will be flaunting your long, thick , smooth and promiscuous hair. Try and be amazed


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