help! my husband is cheating on me

Oh dear women, this is a letter from me to you all.

To all women,    
                                                                                               Infinity girl
   Women!! We are so overly protective of our husbands but that ain't supposed to be, you are not to suspect your husbands actions, he is not a baby that you should watch his every activities, let me tell you the truth women, mothers, wives even if you put a cctv camera on your husband he will still do whatever he wants to do oh, you can scream at and fight your husband but in his mind he is mocking you, you can chain him to the house and he will take his mind to another woman. Women let us wake up to the truth, let us awake from our slumbers and be the golden women that we are, we shouldn't be fighting for a man, mums know your worth and don't scream at the daddies.
     When your husband comes back home and you smell woman's perfume on his body doesn't mean that he was cheating on you. There are some women that spray perfumes that even the heavens will close its nose, there perfume are so sharp that someone could be give feets away from them but still get infected by such smell, your husband might have walked pass one of them on his way home, not that am sure but there is an explanation for everything. If your husband returns with lipstick stain on his shirt don't go ahead and shout at him wives because I have an explanation for it a very funny one for that matter: your husband gets wet with something and then tries to clean it away but thus only makes it worst. He took the cloth to the dry cleaner but the dry cleaner lady with thick lipstick specks your husbands shirt by mistake or purposely because she has her reasons and he didn't even notice it until you saw it. Calm down and hear him out mommy.
       Advices from me, always look your best at all times but mostly when your husband is around you, don't go about looking like a 60year old woman when you are just thirty because you don't have time to dress up. Don't dress like SUV ooh, not that there is anything bad in dressing well but looking sexy a bit as you were when you first met daddy will not hurt, make the house to always look clean and your children to always be neat and tidy. Cook great dishes that he loves to eat for him if you don't know how learn and always be there for your husband, spare time to get to play with your husband like you were still children. So before shouting at daddy, mommies calm down hear him out, understand him and caution him if he went wrong but if he didn't pull him to yourself and hug him, then make sure you play with him like you were still children. If after all these, and the man doesn't improve well I give referral to soldiers to give him serious beating. Ah ah don't say that I said soooh. Mommies understand daddies, daddies love mommies. See you next time
                                                           Infinity girl


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