get rid of spots and pimples

You happen to be fit and be healthy but some tiny spot form on your skin thereby ruining your appearance, well worry no more cause I have got you covered, this articles is both for those that have the pimples and those the don't have, so everyone is advices to read. Getting rid of pimples naturally is the best and fastest method, it is safe and secured and works positively. Bellow are my three natural remedies to get rid of pimples and all spots;
  1. Banana peel and honey: this method is normally used for all skin care mostly those that have to do either the face, banana's peel works magic on the face as it specializes in making the skin smooth, tender and clear and I can bet you all that it works cause I have used it personally and the results are quite splendid. Honey is used here because of its unique healing and restoration power that can be used to restore dead or weaken cells because it possesses antiseptic and antibacterial properties. For the mixture you'll need four bananas and six teaspoon on honey, this is the standardized measurement for an average skin but if you wish to you can make lesser or more. First of all peel the banana skin off, keep the banana aside in the fridge as we only need the skin, then blend the skin to form a paste then add the honey to it and mix well. Apply all over your face and leave on for two hours before washing off, do this three times a week for faster results.
  2. Tomatoes and watermelon: this fruits are actually used in two different methods that both work for the skin, one is using the Peel and the other is by using the juice. First of all by using the Peel, you will need four tomatoes, the red juicy and firm ones and half watermelon. First of all skin the tomatoes by peeling off the tomatoes outside layer and keeping the inside aside for the other method, then also skin the watermelon removing its outside protective layer, take this peels and rinse lightly. Pick the Peel of the tomato and RUB all over your face first before using that of the watermelon also over all the affected areas. Leave for as long as can, but advisable is one hour and then you go wash off with a medicated soap and water, thus can be used once a week, method two involves using the insides of both the tomatoes and the watermelons, blend both together to form a paste, pour in a container and add  any skin oil and your choice and mix together, freeze in the refrigerator for three hours, take out and keep out in the open for another three hours for these ingredients to mix onto each other. This mixture can be applied before going to bed all over your face, keep on all through the night, wash away in the morning and see results soon. Tomatoes are rich in vitamins which help the skin in fact the whole body and water melon juice is highly nutritive to the skin and they smoothen the skin and remove all spots.
  3. Shea butter and cucumbers: cucumbers are made up of water and this water is good to freshen and energize the body but in the case of the skin, it works as a cleanser and repairer, Shea butter is great for softening the skin and beautifying it. Combing this two together will bring about the best results in getting rid of spots and pimples but they can be used separately. In my own preparation, Shea butter and cucumbers were both used and it worked wonders on my face and also for my friends. Here's how to make the mixture, cut the cucumbers into smaller pieces then blend and add the Shea butter and mix, keep out in the open overnight and begin usage by applying the mixtures little by little on your face and keep on for thirty minutes and watch out for the magical results.
    I am a testimony to these natural remedies and i guarantee that after using these methods you will sure soon say goodbye to those ugly spot and pimples and welcome to your smooth, soft and spotless skin.


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