This is mistaken to be of the same meaning, confidence and pride are often mistaken to be the same thing but actually they are two different things entirely, in this edition we will make you to understand the meaning, similarities and differences between this two words, and at the end we guarantee  that you will be able to differentiate between being confident and being proud.
First things first confidence is when one stands out of the crowd and is able to face the world as who he/she is. Confidence is believing in who you are, what you can be and where you can, it is a feeling or consciousness of one’s powers or of reliance on one’s circumstances or it is a faith or belief that one will act in a right, proper, or effective way in order way confidence can also be referred to as being bold at all circumstances. There are so many ways to show your confidence, and all ways are all linked with the main meaning of confidence.

 being certain: this can also be called certitude, being certain and assured of what you are saying, of what you are doing and of what your actions. There are so many people that lacks this area of confidence and it is all due to not being sure of who you really are. REMEDY: BE SURE OF YOUR ACTIONS, BE SURE OF WHAT YOU KNOW, BE SURE OF WHAT YOU SAY. Apparently appearances often determined how confident you are, if you are certain of what you are saying, you will be able to look at whoever you are talking boldly. If you are certain of what you are doing, then you will not mind if someone follows your activities. This is being certain 

Confidence in your attitude: your attitude holds an important role in the value and quality of your confidence, your attitude when it come to delivering judgments, making decisions, quizzes has a lot to do with your confidence, once you go to face a panel of judges and you suddenly find to be trembling, blabbering and sounding like a broken musical record before them, then your confidence is missing. REMEDY: KNOW WHAT TO SAY AND BE CONFIDENT OF WHAT YOU SAY AND WHEN YOU SAY IT. This confidence plays a large role in becoming a successful person, success in examination, success in interviews. “A successful person is never found wanting at his tongue” in order to be successful you have to be confident and in order to be confident, you have to be certain and sure of who you are “the worth of a person is not measured in gold or silver but in the way he lays out himself before the kings and rulers of the world”.
Pride is a feeling of deep pleasure or satisfaction derived from one’s achievement, the qualities of possessions that are widely admired, knowing your own dignity. When you know the value of what you are and make it show to others, making it known to others. Pride is a feeling of pleasure and it can be expressed in so many way

Pride at success 
Pride at monetary worth of possession 
Pride at talent
Pride at relations to someone famous
Pride as in being famous and showing it off.
So we can now see that pride and confidence ain’t the same, in fact to be completely accurate they are opposite of each other. CONFIDENCE MEANS STANDING OUT while PRIDE MEANS SHOWING OFF. Two opposite sides that are often mistaken to be the same. 
Walk with confidence and not with pride “a person is not valued by the worth of his possession but by the way he places himself before great men of the world”
Build up your confidence to later be proud of your achievement “be sure of what you do in order to get the perfect results”.
Thanks for reading this article


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